To begin with, I’d like to thank all of you who followed and supported my World Race trip. Last year was life changing in so many ways and I’m extremely thankful for the Lord’s work I experienced in my life, the lives of my friends and family, and the lives of those we helped and ministered to. I wholeheartedly believe in the work Adventures in Missions does discipling young adults and their ministry around the world. Now, I have been home for around a half a year (crazy!) and now I am happy to announce that I have the opportunity to continue working with and being discipled by the amazing people at AIM (Adventures in Missions). Starting on January 17th I will be attending their Center for Global Action (CGA)!

When I originally got home from the Race I felt like I had just acquired a new arsenal of tools to use for God’s Kingdom, but had no clue how to use them most effectively. One of the leaders described it like this to me: “When you come home, the experiences of the Race are like wet cement. It’s a great foundation, but only if you give it the time and attention to harden. CGA is the place to let that foundation harden as well as build upon that for further ministry.” I felt like this was an exact description of what I needed. 

This program lasts 5 months where I will be living in Gainesville, GA. Much of the focus is on showing Racers how to live life on mission now matter where you’re at. I will be taking classes, processing my time on the Race, testing my spiritual gifts, honing and developing more skills for ministry, living in a challenging community, and working part time to intentionally influence my job environment. If you’re familiar with YWAM, it is similar to a DTS and in some ways a Master’s program.

The decision to go has been hard. It’s something I’ve been debating on and asking God for clarity for the past few months. I love the friends and relationships I’ve developed back at home: My family, my Young Adult group, my men’s group, the people at work and church. However a recent men’s retreat has helped me realize and admit how complacent I have been in my calling. I notice how being home I have pursued much of my own comfort and desires rather than what God has called me to do: which I believe is to actively be discipling others. CGA is my next step in that calling as well as proclaiming God as my priority rather than myself. But I need your help!

In order for me to start on January 17th I need to fundraise $1,900. That’s just the first deadline! In total I need to raise $5,950 in order to be fully funded. I would love your support! Donation link once again is at the top of this page. 


Thanks and God Bless,

-Taylor Flick


If you’re curious to learn more about what CGA is, here’s the link to the website:

Here’s their mission statement: The Center for Global Action exists to mobilize a generation to be passionate followers of Jesus who live out their faith whether at home, professionally, or church planting overseas