
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Let the Scales Fall

Early on in our first month (Chile) we partnered up and went out into the streets of Calama. To set up this day of evangelism our leaders spoke of how Jesus had a heart to serve those that others reviled. Then we were asked to pray, asking the Lord who He wanted to lead us to that day. For me I was asked to let down my own barriers to others who I “reviled.” Specifically, drug dealers on the street.

It was nearly lunchtime and I was walking by a skate park. One of the few guys present started whistling at me, trying to get my attention. Somewhat nervous, I attempted to walk by them but did a Holy Spirit U-turn and decided to go up to them and chat. Of course, the first thing I was offered was marijuana and heroine.

Eventually we got to talking about Jesus and the church. It hurt my soul as I listened to how much he hated the church even though he believed in Jesus. As the conversation ended he let me lay hands on him and his friend as I prayed for healing over their families.



Acts 9:18-20 “And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized; and taking food he was strengthened. For some days he was with the disciples at Damascus. And immediately he proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues saying, “He is the Son of God.””

If we’re honest with ourselves we all walk around with these scales on our eyes. Our vision is blurred to so many people as Paul’s was to Jesus. How often do we feel the Spirit’s prompting to show love but do not follow through? In my story how many of you would have walked away after being offered marijuana? While Paul’s blindness was physical, this is the type of spiritual blindness we experience today.

Maybe it’s difficult to admit it, but there are people you revile in your daily life. Revile may be a strong word, but I would define it like this: “To close off your heart to someone at any time and for any reason.” We ignore the homeless, argue over politics, gossip behind the backs of our friends and coworkers, we don’t make eye contact with the person we serve at the cash register, we pass by the single mother needing help with groceries… We’re so focused on our own agendas that we need church functions to help us not focus on our own agendas and start focusing on the Kingdom of God. These events may yield great fruit, but what if we began cultivating that fruit daily?

Paul reviled Jesus, his agenda was to persecute all who followed him, but he was immediately transformed by this encounter with Jesus and the scales fell off his eyes. In order to open up our hearts we have to get rid of any judgement and bitterness and start focusing on a different agenda rather than our own. Otherwise we might look more like Paul before his conversion. Once the scales fall we begin to see others with renewed vision daily and we start to lead lives that are in step with the Spirit and defined by our love rather than our “religion.”


Here’s the weekly challenge:

This week ask God to reveal ONE person you’ve closed your heart off to. It may be someone specific, or it may be someone you run into randomly during your day. Walk with renewed sense of vision each day and take the steps necessary open your heart to them.